Avaruusajan Titanin Yleiskatsaus

Forge of Empires - Wiki FIsta
Versio hetkellä 10. heinäkuuta 2023 kello 23.00 – tehnyt Markus (keskustelu | muokkaukset) (Ak: Uusi sivu: {| style="width: 100%;" ! style="text-align: Left; font-weight: bold;" | 200px|link= ! style="background-color: #255a3e;text-align: cente...)
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Research age space age titan.jpg Sat logo.png]

Welcome to Space Age: Titan!

The human race has made leaps in energy, transportation, and sustenance, but the complexity of chemical reactions and their potential applications remains a boundless frontier. Our next grand challenge takes us to Saturn's moon Titan, a cornucopia of hydrocarbons, waiting to be harnessed and utilized to fuel revolutionary technologies.

Titan promises to enhance our understanding of chemical science, providing us with tools to reshape our technological landscape. The creation of new laboratories and chemical facilities on this alien moon signifies the birth of a new era, an age where the Periodic Table expands beyond our wildest dreams. These developments lay the foundations for creating real humanoid robots, although it remains a distant but achievable vision.

As this age progresses, we must expect opposition. Competitors will strive to claim our discoveries, battling fiercely for patents, aiming to wield these new technologies for their benefit. Their impatience may lead them down a perilous path, eager to develop the first humanoid robot without perfecting the underpinning technology.

Welcome, pioneers, to the Space Age Titan. The journey is challenging, the stakes are high, but the rewards promise to reshape our future as a species. Step into this age, and let us together unlock the mysteries and potential that Titan holds.

At a glance

Space Age Titan

H SS SpaceAgeTitan Townhall1.png
The Town Hall of the Space Age Titan
Technologies 30 Tech icon.png
Forge Points 21 090 Bazaar 5.png
Coins 900 000 000 Bazaar 1.png
Supplies 900 000 000 Bazaar 0.png
Goods 112 895 Bazaar 4.png
Space Age Titan
Spaceport JM.png
Spaceport of the Space Age Titam
  • Your own colony on Titan!
  • 60 main story line quests
  • 45 side quests
  • 15 recurring quests
  • 9 new Avatars
  • 16 new expansions
  • 12 premium expansions
  • 2 tech tree expansions
  • 1 campaign expansion
  • 1 Victory expansion
  • 30 new technologies to research
  • 2 new residential buildings
  • 5 new military buildings with 5 new units (+ Champion)
  • 11 Goods Buildings – 6 of which are Synthesizers
  • 2 new workshop buildings
  • 2 new culture buildings
  • 1 new decoration
  • 2 new streets
  • 3 new Great Buildings


Space Age Titan Units


Main City Buildings

Great Buildings

Saturn VI Gate HYDRA
Saturn VI Gate PEGASUS
Space GreatBuilding Centaurus.png
Space GreatBuilding Hydra.png
Saturn VI Gate HYDRA
Space GreatBuilding Pegasus.png
Saturn VI Gate PEGASUS
Provides Provides Provides
Produces random goods from the player's previous age every 24 hours. For the Bronze Age it produces Bronze Age goods.

Attacking units have their attack and defense values boosted by a percentage.
Produces some of each current good for the guild's treasury. Can only be collected when in a guild.

Attacking and defending units have their attack and defense values boosted by a percentage.
Produces Forge Points every 24 hours.

Defending units have their attack and defense values boosted by a percentage. Also, guild gains an amount to their support pool.

Residential Buildings

Space Age Titan Residential Buildings

Production Buildings

Space Age Titan Production Buildings

Cultural Buildings

Space Age Titan Cultural Buildings


Space Age Titan Decorations

Titan Colony Buildings

Titan Outpost Masterfile version2 1.jpg

Titan Colony